東京造形大学 Tokyo Zokei University
Visiting Lecture & Tutorial
31st October, 7th, 14th November 2018
Tokyo Zokei University
Joint lecture & tutorial with professor Tomomasa Ueda at Architectural & Interior Design
Lectures & tutorials by Haruko Seki
Lecture by Haruko Seki
14th October 2018
新潟青陵大学市民公開講座 Niigata Seiryo University, Open College
“The comparison of Japanese landscape and Western landscape”
東京造形大学 Tokyo Zokei University
Visiting Lecture & Tutorial
1st, 8th,15th June 2017
Tokyo Zokei University
Joint lecture & tutorial with professor Tomomasa Ueda at Architectural & Interior Design
Lectures & tutorials by Haruko Seki
Special Lecture & Tutorial at Tokyo Zokei University
5th June 2016
Lecture by Haruko Seki
21th January 2017
Kennedy Lecture Theatre, London
“Japanese Summer Garden at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 2016”
Presented by Saori Imoto
5th November 2016
Keio University, Tokyo
Visiting lecture for Yokoyama Commemorative Lecture held by Psychology department
Presented by Haruko Seki
東京造形大学 Tokyo Zokei University
Visiting Lecture & Tutorial
2nd, 9th,16th June 2016
Tokyo Zokei University
Joint lecture & tutorial with professor Tomomasa Ueda at Architectural & Interior Design
Lectures & tutorials by Haruko Seki
Special Lecture & Tutorial at Tokyo Zokei University
6th June 2016
Lecture by Haruko Seki
Seminer 'Quattrostagioni nel Parco' in Bologna
11 September 2015
Casa per la Pace, Bologna, Italy
"The Four Seasons in Japanese Gardens -Japanese sensibility towards nature- "
Presented by Haruko Seki
Joint presenter: Saori Imoto (Partner designer of Studio Lasso)
Summary of lecture (Click to enlarge)
東京造形大学 Tokyo Zokei University
Visiting Lecture & Tutorial
4th, 11th & 18th June 2015
Tokyo Zokei University
Joint lecture & tutorial with professor Tomomasa Ueda at Architectural & Interior Design
Lectures & tutorials by Haruko Seki
8th June 2015
Lecture by Haruko Seki
Study Group 'Park Management and Public Park for Next Generation' Innovation & Renovation by Architectural and Landscape Design
16 June 2015
Akihabara UDX, Tokyo, Japan
"Contemporary Design with Japanese Sense of Beauty"
Presenter: Haruko Seki (Studio Lasso), Kayoko Otsuki (BAKOKO), Francesca Pratico (Architect, CSPE studio Cesena, Italy), Giulia Battistini (Marketing Manager, Garden Battistini, Cesena, Italy)
Programme (Click to enlarge)
The University of Florence
23 March 2015
Santa Verdiana, The University of Florence, Italy
Special Lesson for Cultural Exchange
"Japanese Spatial Character and Experimental Works in Contemporary Design"
Presenter: Haruko Seki (Studio Lasso)
Joint presenter: Tamae Rykers (Art Advisor, Zebra Prescot Ltd)
Programme (Click to enlarge)
Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures
Sainsbury Institute at Norwich
Workshop on Japanese Gardens outside Japan
"Contemporary Japanese Gardens and Experimental Works by Studio Lasso"
Presented by Haruko Seki
Presenters includes: Professor Watanabe Toshio (Transnational Japanese Gardens’ Train Research Centre), Dr Simon Kaner (Sainsbury Institute), Dr Nicolas Fiévé (Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale), Mr Anthony Austin (Chairman, Japanese Garden Society in the UK), Mr Robert Ketchell (Former Chairman, Japanese Garden Society in the UK), Dr Jill Raggett (Writtle College), Ms Naoko Abe (Independent journalist, UK), Dr Piotr Splawski (Independent academic), Dr Wybe Kuitert (BNT Wageningen Netherlands)
東京造形大学 Tokyo Zokei University
Visiting Lecture & Tutorial
5th, 12th & 19th June 2014
Tokyo Zokei University
Joint lecture & tutorial with professor Tomomasa Ueda at Architectural & Interior Design
Lectures & tutorials by Haruko Seki
Forum 'Architectural and Landscape Design for Next Generation -A global view of women designers-
21 December 2013
Bank Art Studio NYK, Yokohama, Japan
Kayoko Otsuki (BAKOKO)
Noriko Samayama (NSDA)
Haruko Seki (Studio Lasso)
Panelists & Panel Discussion by:
Kayoko Otsuki (BAKOKO), Noriko Samayama (NSDA), Haruko Seki (Studio Lasso)
Coordinator: Tamae Rykers (Zebra Prescot)
Organiser: Kanagawa Prefecture Society of Architecture & Building Engineers
Forum Flyer (Click to enlarge)
Forum detail information (Click to enlarge)
Machi-Labo Cafe 'Study Group for Future City'
24th July 2013
Akihabara UDX, Tokyo, Japan
"Japanese Spatial Character and Experimental Works in Contemporary Design"
Presented by Haruko Seki
東京造形大学 Tokyo Zokei University
Visiting Lecture & Tutorial
23rd June 2013
Tokyo Zokei University
"Japanese Spatial Character and Experimental Works in Contemporary Design"
Lecture by Haruko Seki
Japanese Garden Society South London Region
09 March 2013
Perrymount School, Forest Hill, London
“Landscape and Garden design for the future”
Presented by Haruko Seki
Japanese Garden Society Midland Region
19 January 2013
“Contemporary Design in Japanese Garden”
Presented by Haruko Seki & Kenzo Yamakoshi
Japanese Garden Society South London Region
09 March 2013
Perrymount School, Forest Hill, London
“Landscape and Garden design for the future”
Presented by Haruko Seki
Inchbald School of Design
03 February 201
Inchbald School of Design, London
“Contemporary Design in Japanese Garden”
Presented by Haruko Seki, supported by Saori Gouke
Study Day at Edinburgh College of Art
08 October 2011
The University of Edinburgh
“Contemporary Design in Japanese Garden”
Presented by Haruko Seki, supported by Sayaka Takeuchi
The study day was held by Japanese Garden Society Scotland
Symposium “The wind from the East–Learning from Chinese and Japanese Gardens”
07 December 2009
Garden Museum, London
“Japanese Gardens without Clichés ” Presented by Haruko Seki, supported by Yuko Okuni
The symposium was led by Noel Kingsbury, the speakers included;
Dan Pearson, Tim Richardson, Graham Hardman, Robert Ketchell, Dr. Andong Lu,
Dr. Yue Zhuang, Lei Gao & Haruko Seki
Summary of lecture (Click to enlarge)
Symposium programme (Click to enlarge)
Takemitsu Society, UK
22 March 2009
Bauer & Hieber Music, London
“Japanese Spatial Quality and Ma Concept in relation to Music by Toru Takemitsu”
Presented by Haruko Seki, supported by Kumiko Yamada & Kazunori Inomata
Flemings Club, London
19 February 2009
Flemings Hotel, London
“A Sense of Transience in Japanese Garden” and “Garden in the Silver Moonlight”
Presented by Haruko Seki, supported by Kumiko Yamada
Japanese Garden Society South London Region
15 November 2008
“A Sense of Transience in Japanese Garden” and “Garden in the Silver Moonlight”
Presented by Haruko Seki, supported by Sayaka Takeuchi
Japanese Garden Society Yorkshire and Humber Region
20 September 2008
“A Sense of Transience in Japanese Garden” and “Garden in the Silver Moonlight”
Presented by Haruko Seki
Embassy of Japan UK
27 September 2007
Ball Room, Japanese Embassy in the UK, London
“A Sense of Transience in Japanese Garden”
Presented by Haruko Seki and Makoto Tanaka
Summary of lecture (Click to enlarge)